Xtend Holdings Inc إصدار أودو 9.0c-20160620

معلومات حول Xtend Holdings Inc instance of Odoo, the تخطيط موارد مؤسسات مفتوح المصدر.

التطبيقات المثبتة

إدارة علاقات العملاء
Leads, Opportunities, Activities
Inventory Management
Inventory, Logistics, Warehousing
Sales Management
Quotations, Sales Orders, Invoicing
Point of Sale
Touchscreen Interface for Shops
Discussions, Mailing Lists, News
تحرير الفواتير
Send Invoices and Track Payments
المحاسبة والمالية
Financial and Analytic Accounting
Website Builder
بناء الموقع الإلكتروني الخاص بمؤسستك
Sell Your Products Online
Purchase Management
Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Bills
Employee Directory
Jobs, Departments, Employees Details
الجداول الزمنيه
Timesheets, Attendances, Activities
Recruitment Process
Jobs, Recruitment, Applications, Job Interviews, Surveys
Expense Tracker
Expenses Validation, Invoicing
لوحات المعلومات
Create your custom dashboard
Create surveys, collect answers and print statistics
حملات المراسلة الجماعية
Design, send and track emails
Equipments, Assets, Internal Hardware, Allocation Tracking
Personal & Shared Calendar
Fleet Management
Vehicle, leasing, insurances, costs